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Semi-Annual and Annual registration is required to maintain active participation with the United Missionary Baptist Convention of NJ, Inc.  Registration is offered year-round, however, you must submit your completed registration by the end of each calendar year to maintain an active status.


We strongly encouraged all registered individuals/Churches to participate in our activities throughout the year, and/or send delegates as representatives to these events.

Registration Fee Chart

Number of
Church Members

Individual Member

1-100 Members

101-200 Members

201-400 Members

401-500 Members

501 and Above

Semi-Annual Fee







Annual Fee







Parent Body Officers are asked to register their churches with $500

for the Semi-Annual and $1,000 for the Annual (if they can do so).

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Registration Form
Select an option
Select an option


To submit your registration Fee

After payment is made please return here to submit this form to complete your registration.

Choose payment method before submitting

Mailing address:

United MIssionary Baptist Convention of NJ, Inc.

401 Avon Avenue, Newark, NJ 07108

Thank you, your registration has been submitted!

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